It bothers me that I was raised Christian and therefore not allowed to celebrate the 'pagan' holiday of Christmas. Now I'm atheist and everybody keeps saying it's Jesus' Birthday. sigh* I've done the research, nobody can know for sure when (or if) that Jesus was born,
but it was not likely in December.
And what is with this Santa Lie? Tooth-fairy, Easter Bunny, Angels? Come on, if you don't believe it why are you telling your kids it's real. I don't lie to my daughter. Sure, anything is possible, but I'm not gonna tell her to believe something that I don't.
Here's what I know. As of December 21st the Sun is returning to our days. Christmas Decorations, Songs, and Stories are often heartwarming. For Me Christmas is a great day to Celebrate Light, Generosity, and Family in the cold and dark of winter.
Celebrate your god when and how you choose, but next year Please Don't tell Me to put the Christ in Christmas!