It's been about a week since my computer refused to turn on. Today I picked up my early Christmas present, a new laptop. It took the rest of the day to set up my recovery discs, and install my programs. It's almost midnight but I'm finally back! I've spent the last week using my Samsung "Moment" smart phone to keep up with Face-Book and email. I can't say it's been rough, since there are plenty of people who live without computers and clothes dryers. Oh, did I mention my dryer broke down the morning I was supposed to go spend money on my laptop. Through the miracle of good credit, I was able to "afford" my very first, brand new, washer and dryer. I was riding high when I drove to Best Buy with just enough money left to grab a good deal on my computer.
This is the perfect moment to say, I am eternally grateful to my husband who has been working long weeks and long hours so that we can afford to live in comfort. Just two years ago we were trying to stay warm in a 1975, 50 foot mobile home. It was almost five years that our first home together was homeless. We have worked hard, come a long way, and appreciate every square inch of our property. Even if it is just a house, and things that keep breaking, it's ours.
What does this have to do with 'Living Well, Responsibly'? Well, I did go for the high efficiency, more expensive washer and dryer. I needed a good laptop so that I could to network, research, and blog, in the comfort of my home with my lovely daughter. I never would have been able to do that without the good credit I earned from always paying my bills on time and keeping my credit card balance reasonable. When you are responsible with what you have and work hard, you can have the freedom to make choices that lessen your negative impact and maximize your positive impact.
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