Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Northwest Garden: March 2013

Red Onions?
I'm so excited to get my garden back to work! Last month we prepared the raised beds, transplanted raspberries, and did some pruning, but I only planted red onions. -those have actually already started to grow! We've got some perennials budding, and my crocuses are almost through blooming. Spring is coming to Oregon!
Three Happy Hens
The chickens are getting one last peck at the garden. They love looking for bugs in the compost.
Today we will be tilling our compost into the ground and planting some early seeds. Our compost is a mix of mostly rabbit poo, leaves, coffee grounds, fruit scraps, chicken poo, and last year's garden beds. Once tilled it looks beautiful! Salad Greens, Beets, Carrots, and Radishes are going in the ground today!

Finished.. for now.  March 9th

Here's a great link to the OSU Garden Calendar
March 11th, makeshift painter's plastic drop cloth blanket.

March 15, Salad Greens!

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