Well, today I'm turning 30. Here's what it feels like...for the most part just like yesterday, and probably tomorrow. Currently there's a ridiculously fudgy chocolate cake in the oven, I'm watching the birthday wishes trickle in by Facebook and text, and I'm expecting my 19-year-old-baby sister any moment. On the other hand, the thing on my mind for most of today has been figuring out what to do with my potentially gifted 5 year old now that it's time to start registering for kindergarten, and why is my house so messy? I'm sure I cleaned it yesterday. The point is, I think I might be a grown up now. There's no big ceremony, and I didn't just wake up this way, I've grown into it. We all do. That's not to say I'm a big boring, uncool, grown up, obsessed with money and work. I'm just comfortable and in control, I'm moving forward of my own volition, my life is my own, and I generally know where it's going. My path is formed and clear, and yet it still changeable, and I'm ready to accept the next challenge.
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